Sunday, December 2, 2012


Having nice threads is a burden 
and having alot of them is a chore 
cause having a sense of style dosen't trump the sense of a guy 
like me to get bored even at the thought of my closet being as packed as a department store.

a burden. 
The same burden that I used to pray for

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Loafers x Snow

This was a fun shoot that featured my friends Bryan, Corbyn, and Osakioduwa demonstrating their takes on what it is to sacrifice for fashion. In this late night, 30 degree weather shoot, we brought out

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Creating a blog is something I've wanted to do for a while. In fact creating anything; to call something my own has been a desire of mine for a while now. I'm turning 18 in about a month and two weeks and my lack of- or propensity to do nothing- has motivated me to create this blog. I have hopes for it. High hopes. Like Sears tower-high hopes. Well let me quit sounding like my dad and be reasonable... I'm doing this as a hobby which I hope will take me somewhere. I wish to share my interests and thoughts on the messes we call fashion/life. I hope you enjoy.

Whomver you art



I am a college student who feels I have things to show to you. Nigerian born and native to NYC, but currently associate with Pennsylvania.



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